Order discount cigarettes, but the use must be normal

Discount cigarettes mean to use cigarettes without any restrictions. But we’ve asked ourselves the question … And what is the norm?! Well, for example, in food there are clear norms – if you lose more than eat, you will definitely lose weight, if there are no problems with metabolism. If consumption is equal to arrival, the weight does not change, but if you eat everything high in calories and consumption is much lower, then the weight is gained in the blink of an eye … Also in everything … In reasonable quantities things are good, but overworking entails consequences … This also applies to sports … Daily physical activities improve body shape, tone, and well-being … Professional sports undermine health with their own overload. It must not happen because of ordering discount cigarettes.

So the question is whether there is a rate in smoking, what is it reasonable?
For example, my girlfriend suffices only 2-3 cigarettes a day and she feels delightful and believes that the amount of tar and chemical elements in the body with 2-3 cigarettes is an insignificant amount, so she does not cause any harm to the body and gets a huge pleasure, because every cigarette for her is truly pleasure. Especially if I do not spend much, ordering discount cigarettes.

For example, we caught ourselves thinking that on average I smoke 5-7 cigarettes, and in stressful times there are even 10-12 … We even argued about it and a friend believes that more than 10 is a lot and threatens that Soon we will have shortness of breath, we will get tired faster, our complexion will be earthy … we don’t even know, we didn’t notice shortness of breath … We do fitness, We eat healthy food, in general I follow myself … But with the number of cigarettes we can’t do anything a day long …
What do you think?